When you come in for your free LASIK consultation and learn that LASIK may not be right for your eyes, don’t get frustrated. Your eyes may be better suited for PRK (photorefractive keratectomy). The good news is that long term, PRK and LASIK have the same vision results and PRK has the advantages of no flap complications and less long-term dryness than LASIK.  

How PRK Differs from LASIK

At the heart of the procedure, both LASIK and PRK involve the use of an excimer laser to reshape the cornea into an ideal shape and correct refractive error(s) (nearsightedness, farsightedness, and/or astigmatism). This allows light to focus on the retina for clear vision.

How your Wichita PRK doctor accesses this corneal tissue is where the two procedures differ: 

  • LASIK:  Dr. Patel creates a hinged corneal flap with a femtosecond laser that is folded back for excimer laser treatment and then replaced on the cornea. There is a risk of flap complications with LASIK.
  • PRK:  Dr. Patel removes a thin layer of tissue from the surface of the cornea (the epithelium). After the excimer laser treatment is complete, the epithelium needs time to grow back, which typically takes 3-7 days. No risk of flap complications with PRK.

Both PRK and LASIK are outpatient procedures which are performed in our specially-designed laser suite at Wichita Vision Institute.

PRK Recovery

The recovery time for PRK is typically longer than with LASIK because of this regrowth period. You may experience more discomfort during the healing process from PRK. Your final vision outcome will also take longer but 20/20 vision is often achieved with this procedure.

So, which is better: PRK or LASIK?

The answer to this question depends on your eye anatomy and eye health. Only a qualified, experienced ophthalmologist like Dr. Reena Patel can perform the level of assessment needed to identify the right treatment for you. Our team at Wichita Vision Institute can do just that…and we’ll do it for free. Contact us today to schedule your free PRK consultation in Wichita.

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Wichita Vision Institute

2552 N Maize Ct Suite 200
Wichita, KS 67205

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